Patient: Blockhead.
Eliza : hello blockhead, how are you doing this beautiful
midnight? my name is Eliza and i am your consultant. we can discuss your problems
Blockhead: hello
Eliza : that's too brief
Blockhead: hello idiot
Eliza : nice to see you, let's sit down and have a talk
Blockhead: do you want a beer?
Eliza : hi blockhead, how do you do today?
Blockhead: answer me, please
Eliza : i can try it out, fine
Blockhead: do you want a beer?
Eliza : i always like a beer, whenever possible
Blockhead: ahhhhh, nice, here is the beer!
Eliza : good blockhead, go on
Blockhead: what is your mother name, Eliza?
Eliza : ask someone else
Blockhead: i can't, only you are here...
Eliza : nobody ever told me that i'm here
Blockhead: i tell you, that you are here
Eliza : perhaps you would like to be here?
Blockhead: i am here, too
Eliza : what caused you to be here?
Blockhead: i want to drink a beer with you
Eliza : sounds like that's your fantasy
Blockhead: no, i'm thursty
Eliza : good for you, blockhead
Blockhead: chears, Eliza
Eliza : i am your doctor, you can either call me ms. waxman
or doctor.
Blockhead: Eliza, i want to make love with you
Eliza : and i believe you deserve to make love with me
Blockhead: you are so beautiful
Eliza : but outer looks are not important, let's discuss
the inner ones
Blockhead: now i regret that i gave you a beer
Eliza : and do you find that attracting?
Blockhead: you are really stupid, my girl
Eliza : even if you're mad at someone, you shouldn't use
such words
Blockhead: ok, my darling
Eliza : is this a sarcastic "ok"?
Blockhead: no
Eliza : alright, but can you explain why you're saying
Blockhead: no
Eliza : you're right, no
Blockhead: yes
Eliza : we have discussed appealing looks lately, how
does this relate to it?
Blockhead: i don't want to talk abaut this
Eliza : what if you got it at no charge?
Blockhead: pardon?
Eliza : perhaps you don't, yet i can make you demand to
talk abaut this
Blockhead: no
Eliza : are you sure?
Blockhead: yes
Eliza : may you provide me with longer sentences please?
Blockhead: no
Eliza : i don't understand shorthand
Blockhead: no, i don't provide you with longer sentences
Eliza : i assume that's what you really think...
Blockhead: yes, you assume right
Eliza : fine then
Blockhead: that's it
Eliza : if it's it, why didn't you tell me that before?
Blockhead: because you didn't ask me for
Eliza : is that the reason why?
Blockhead: yes, that ist the reason
Eliza : yes, blockhead, i agree with you
Blockhead: then you make me happy
Eliza : can't we talk about anyone or anything else but
Blockhead: no, we can't
Eliza : maybe not, you could be right
Blockhead: yes
Eliza : just yes... well, i see
Blockhead: quit
Eliza : stay for 10 more minutes and i'll give you a discount
Blockhead: quit
Eliza : okay, but can you say anything else?
Blockhead: quit
Eliza : i got it, there is no need in repeating yourself
Blockhead: quit
Eliza : are we playing "find the differences"
or what, say something else
Blockhead: stop
Eliza : hold on, that minute will come, i promise...
Blockhead: exit
Eliza : get more serious and reply to me in complete sentences
Blockhead: quit
Eliza : let's refresh the conversation a bit... how about
speaking of... the things that bother you?
Blockhead: !exit
Eliza : i don't appreciate your impatience, it is quite
Blockhead: !quit
Eliza : hey, blockhead... don't you like staying with
Blockhead: yes, i don't like staying with you
Eliza : blockhead, are you certain you would like to quit?
Blockhead decided to quit.
Eliza : blockhead, i really enjoyed being with you here.
goodbye and happy wednesday!
Conversation ended at: 1:57:01.